It's back on-line we go folks!
I know you will be as disappointed as I am that Auckland is still in alert level 2.5
However, we are ready to continue the momentum we have been building in your Taekwon-Do training.
So we are continuing our online classes. We already have experience with running online classes and we look forward to building on the learning you have been doing up until now. Over the coming couple of days we will email you the Zoom links for these sessions.
A feature of our online learning, we will be re-commencing out popular 15 Minute Catch-ups with me on-line. You can book one now.
We will also have additional resources and activities from ITKD by way of a new website just for our members. There are some great new stuff to look forward to there.
Training fee payments should continue normally but if you are experiencing financial difficulty for the immediate period before us, consider applying for one of scholarships to continue training during this period.
We are grateful for your ongoing support and look forward to seeing you all on-line.
During Lock-Down we will have:
Class Schedule Week starting 31 Aug
- Monday 5-5.30pm: Minikids
- Monday 6.30-7.15pm: Colour Belts AND BLACK BELTS
- Wednesday 5-5.30pm: Mini-Kids
- Wednesday 6.30-7.15pm: Colour Belts AND BLACK BELTS
We suggest you download it now and have a few practice “meetings” with friends or family so that you are familiar with it. Txt, email or ring me if you have any trouble downloading or installing it so we can get you started.
Remember to put your name on the screen (Participants - Rename) and mirror your screen (Video Settings)