Mini-Kids Grading
CONGRATULATIONS to our Mini-Kids for passing their Pre-Grading!
1pm Sunday 21st November 2021
Our Mini-Kids Grading scheduled for last term had to be cancelled due to the Covid19 restrictions.
For those kids who have been attending our Zoom classes, we can now offer them the opportunity to grade…
either at the Do Jang or on Zoom depending on the Covid situation.
The grading includes Mini-Kids going for a National Grading.
Here are the details
Those wishing to grade in November, they must:
- Have attended at least 10 Zoom sessions since their last grading
- Attend at least one session per week on Zoom between now and the grading
- Pass the Pre-Grading on Sunday 14th November, 1-2 pm
- Scan / photo of your child’s completed Home Tasks and Home Questions from the current page of the Mini-Kids Workbook by 16th November
- Apply for the grading before Tuesday 16th November 2021
Questions? Please email us with any questions.